Enjoying the little things in life. A cosy coffee chat with friends, family, colleagues... 

Specilaty coffee

Specialty coffee? Many coffee lovers are moving away from (too) heavily roasted and bitter coffee. The term specialty coffee stands for high-quality coffee beans and delicious coffee where all the links are important: the coffee bush, the farmer, the roaster and the barista. The creators of the term specialty coffee strive for dedication and respect for every part of the link, for transparency and a fair price setting.

Ooja Blend 1 and 2 is packed in a protective atmosphere in a beautiful recyclable tin. For our coffee tins - available in the better concept store - we are working together with a custom company in Wetteren and create opportunities for people who cannot find a job on the regular labour market.

Locally roasted coffee

Our micro roastery is located in Dikkelvenne, on the edge of the Flemish Ardennes. We roast on a small scale so as to offer fresh coffee every week. Tom and Annelies have renovated a seventies caravan into a mobile bar/shop. There you can taste (and buy ;-)) your freshly roasted coffee.
If you don't own a bean to cup coffee machine that, we can of course grind the freshly roasted coffee for you on site. It doesn't get any fresher than that! 
Should you prefer to order from the comfort of your home, you can do so thanks to our webshop.

Just a quick note: the bags we use to package our locally roasted coffee are produced in a CO2 neutral way and our roaster runs on biogas. Ooja tries to work as sustainably as possible. 

Refill instead of throwing away

Do you live in the region of Gavere? Then you can come over and refill your coffee tin. In our mobile bar/shop we work with silos and you can refill your empty tin. Do you live further away? Then you can order refill bags in our webshop.
